Friday, August 22, 2008

Self-feeding Meatballs, Yes! Self-feeding Applesauce, No!

Our adventures with trying to get Adrienne to "self-feed" (as they call it in the books), continues. Needless to say, she's not a vegetarian.

The meatball experiment:

"Hi, I'm a cute baby. What's for lunch?"

"What's this thing? A meatball you say?"

"Hey, not bad. I kind of like these."

"Let me change that! I'm totally into these things you call meatballs!"

"How dare you try to sneak in apple sauce! I will get you! Just you wait until you go to sleep! I will get yooooouuuu!"


Teagan and Keiton Bell said...

Oh my god! That is hilarious! She is getting so big and beautiful!

*mo said...

Just wait until little Teagan messes up your otherwise perfectly clean kitchen with her food-fueled fury! ;)