The room is taking shape. Things are going into their proper place. So when Adrienne arrives, it can be thrown into total chaos.

The Mommy Mobile is purchased and in the driveway. It's fully armed and ready to transport Adrienne and every baby-related product one can imagine.
Welcome to SUV-land! I love your new car, and your new nursery! Kisses and hugs from your Texas pals.
Hey, is that a Toyota RAV4, as seen on the Emmy-nominated "Top Chef"? Sweet. Now JR needs an iPhone so he can update the blog from the delivery room.
We're so excited for you three - can't wait to meet her!
Now I've got that synth/keyboard riff stuck in my head from the 80's Swedish glam band "Europe"...
Yay! five days! Woo Hoo! Best Wishes, give a kiss to little sweetums for me! :)
One more day!! I cannot wait to meet her!
Just one day left, really? Can it be??? Yay!!!!
The widget is now adding days
This blog is zzzz... When's the baby going to come and start posting for my amusement?!
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