After a long labor and really short C-Section, we welcomed Adrienne Elizabeth Griffin to our family on September 19 at around 1:30 pm. The chunker clocked in at 9 lbs. 5 oz. and measured 20 1/4 inches long. Here are some early camera-phone shot of her, taken about an hour after busting out of the womb.

Too many (and way cuter) pictures to come once everyone is home from the hospital -- either Saturday or Sunday.
Congrats, congrats, congrats! She's beautiful. Glad she, mom and dad are doing well and we can't wait to meet her! Enjoy every day.
Ryan and Sally
Hurrah! You did it! I'm glad she's here and that everything went so well.
Big love from the Gaslins, young Adrienne. And welcome!
Yay! Congrats!!!!!!! I'm so very happy for you! You make a beautiful family ;)
Congratulations! It's about time she showed her beautiful self to the world! We can't wait to see more pics and get her together with Chloe for a playdate! Maybe they can be BFFs!! We hope you are feeling well and enjoying every moment of Adrienne's arrival!
awww...congrats. cant wait to meet her. xo. much love to all three of you.
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