Saturday, July 28, 2007

Belly Photo Shoot Pt. 2

The Belly has quickly outgrown many objects in the house. But it met its match with a basketball and the new Harry Potter book. (The basketball is pretty much a draw.)

Belly Photo Shoot Pt. 1

The Belly is bigger than ever. It's bigger than... apple

...a CD

...a smoke alarm

...even a candle of a cow dressed as a pumpkin.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Adrienne's Room

Adrienne's room is coming along. Once the kitchen is done and we've made way for the futon in the garage, she might even have somewhere to sleep. Luckily, she'll already have books to read, colorful wardrobe knobs to look at and, eventually, pull out of the cheap IKEA furniture and a colorful rug to poop on. The plastic that's laid down isn't for her (although a good idea), it's to avoid dirty worker boots from messing with our fancy Target rug.

The Breakfast of Champions

Since Maura doesn't do the sausage thing, here she is enjoying some official Krusty-Os. Don't know if she meant to match the pants or not.

The Future is Now!

For the first time in at least over a decade Maura and I are proud owners of a microwave. The kitchen isn't even close to ready yet, but we had to take it for a test spin. The first victim: a leftover sausage from a BBQ. Yum, hot meat!

More Kitchen Progress

An electrical issue has slowed us down, but there is progress being made in the kitchen. There are cabinet shells (gotta put in the drawers and doors), some new paint (gotta add a new coat), and a counter top that's on the way. We've gone one week without a sink and counting....

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


The alien is growing inside of Maura's belly....


To prepare for Adrienne's arrival, we got busy with her room and decided to redo the kitchen, just for the heck of it. The kid's gotta eat, right? Here are pictures of the progress.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Adrienne's First Picture

This is the first picture of Adrienne Griffin, taken February 22, 2007.