Friday, October 19, 2007

One Month Down, Many More To Go

Adrienne as been out of her mom's belly for one whole month.

That's a lot of diaper changes, hours of crying, some sleep, tons of eating, and, at last count, a significant strides in the weight and height areas. She can't quite blow out candles or eat cake yet, so what better way to celebrate the Big 0.083333 (do the math) than with some hot shots? Here are some of Adrienne's finer moments over the last few days...

Chilling in her swing in a sweet robe. She's already getting used to a life of leisure.

Like mother, like daughter. We won't mention who was snoring the loudest.


Cindy & Matilda said...

I've been away for a while...denver...anyway, I've missed so much!!! I can't believe she's one whole month! Looking good, Adrienne!

Keep 'em coming, I love 'em...especially the sleeping mom and baby, too funny.


Cindy & Matilda said...

Speaking of time Nate was snoring loudly and keeping me awake, so I whispered "honey, roll over, you're snoring." He rolled over which made the dog roll onto her back and then she started snoring louder than he was...ummm, she's a 9 lb dog!

I didn't get much sleep that night.

TBell said...

So, so cute! I love the pic of mommy and babe sleeping! Congratulations again and Jared and I can't wait to meet Adrienne!