Thursday, February 14, 2008

(Semi)-Inappropriate Adventures with Baby: Sizzler!

We don't have a lot of time. We don't have a lot of money. But, boy do we love Texas toast. Adrienne got to experience the magic of Sizzler in Eagle Rock, thanks mainly to Rae's love of the place (who, because we're sometimes forgettable picture-takers, isn't in any of these photos).

This is actually after the meal--and we're still all smiles, even after the questionable soft serve "ice cream."

See this warning sign about what not to do with the baby seat? It's exactly what the hostess did with the baby seat. Thank you, Sizzler!

Baby loves Texas toast...

...but while JR had the steak and Maura had the chicken, Adrienne enjoyed milk (again).

Ah, another fine dining experience. Next stop, Red Lobster! Or Olive Garden.


Max said...

Ohhh mannn she's cute!

Unknown said...

don't dis the olive garden!!

Andy said...

DUDE. Someone TOTALLY beat me to the "Dude...don't knock the OG..." comment!

Miss Tanya said...

I have never been to Sizzler. Is it actually good? Rob and I went to a Bertucci's the other day for the first time (for him) since Nashua (for me). It was oddly satisfying and I felt like we were en route to prom.