Monday, March 3, 2008

Virtual Fridge: The Artisticnessious Continues

This is how things work in the baby art world: Once a piece is created by the baby artist, it debuts in the infant room at day care (it's Adrienne's contract). After that, it goes on a mini tour of the dining room table and then the real refrigerator in our house, which is getting kind of full nowadays. So you can understand why it takes awhile for these to make it to the Internet. So please take a moment to virtually stand back, cross your arms, stroke your chin and ponder Adrienne's latest two pieces.

Title: The Other Finger
Medium: finger paint, drool, shiny white paper
Date: 2-7-08

Title: Paper, Plate
Medium: colored tissue paper, glue, paper plate
Date: 1-29-08

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